Tax reporting due dates
March 15 | For estimated capitation payments received from January 1 through March 31 |
June 15 | For estimated capitation payments received from April 1 through June 30 |
September 15 | For estimated capitation payments received from July 1 through September 30 |
December 15 | For estimated capitation payments received from October 1 through December 31 |
Form E-AHCCCS: AHCCCS Contractor Quarterly Premium Tax Report |
Premium tax report for AHCCCS contractors. Updated 01/14/2022 |
AHCCCS Contractor Tax Payment: Quick Reference Guide (State Agencies) |
For use by Arizona State Agency contractors only. Step-by-step instructions for for state-agency AHCCCS contractors to use to submit the tax report and complete the ITA (Internal Transaction Agreement). Updated 01/14/2022 |
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To report errors with forms or instructions, or to suggest ways to improve them, please send e-mail to our Tax Unit at [email protected].