It’s Not Just A Stolen Car!
In Arizona, vehicle theft represents an economic loss of nearly $160 million a year. Arizona’s Vertical Prosecution program works to achieve maximum sentencing results, keeping prolific thieves off the streets.
What is Vertical Prosecution?
Vertical prosecution refers to the strategy of utilizing specially trained prosecutors to address multiple phases of the criminal justice process for vehicle theft cases, from the investigative phase through sentencing, to achieve the best results.
The AATA has identified vertical prosecution as a vital component of a comprehensive vehicle theft reduction strategy that enhances law enforcement efforts through focused prosecution. Vertical prosecutors work side by side with detectives combatting vehicle crime.
Vertical prosecution in Arizona is supported by annual grant funding from the AATA. Since 2001, the AATA has provided annual grant funding for eight vertical prosecutors in Six Arizona counties.
The Vertical Prosecution program is the 2nd largest AATA grant-funded program at $930,942 annually.
Last year $1 million was ordered in restitution for cases handled by the Vertical Prosecution program in Arizona.
Vertical prosecutors work tirelessly to prosecute individuals charged with vehicle theft and related crimes and to recover restitution for victims, which include insurance companies impacted by vehicle crimes in Arizona.