What is the #9PMRoutineAZ ?
The Arizona Automobile Theft Authority (AATA) is jumping on the new “9PM Routine” Campaign sweeping the nation, originally introduced on A&E Channel’s Live PD by Florida’s Pasco County Sheriff’s Office.
In Arizona, the majority of vehicle and home burglaries are CRIMES of OPPORTUNITY and too many vehicles are left unlocked with valuables inside during overnight hours. Criminals targeting our vehicles aren’t after a specific item, but rather any item(s) that may be of value.
The 9PM Routine is a nightly reminder to remove valuables out of vehicles and ensure ALL doors and windows are locked, including home and garage areas. The goal of the 9 PM Routine is to combat auto thefts and break-ins and help empower citizens to develop their own personal security routines by having a designated time to perform these tasks every night at 9PM. Vehicle owners can engage in interactive check-in’s once the 9PM Routine has been completed –Twitter #9PMRoutineAZ – Facebook
The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office has had very positive community interaction with this campaign via Twitter and Facebook, resulting in a 33% decrease in vehicle burglaries in their county since launching the program last Fall.
The AATA will be the lead agency coordinating Arizona’s 9PM Routine participation. With Pasco County’s permission, we’re able to use their #9PMRoutine Logo and create one for Arizona, with our own hashtag #9PMRoutineAZ. Please help us make this movement a statewide effort in Arizona and share this with your followers.
The AATA will be producing and distributing social media and message ads, and will provide materials and promotional items for any neighborhood or community event.
For more information please reach out to Amanda O'Halloran at [email protected]