- YOU MUST FIRST OPEN THE LICENSE RENEWAL REPORT (click here). The Report provides the name, business/license address and mailing address for each license, making it easy to see all the information in one place. Carefully follow the instructions on page 1 to locate information about, and to renew, the licenses for which you are responsible.
- When using the E-LICENSING portal (https://elicense.az.gov/ARDC_HomePage) to renew the parent license, use the Google Chrome web browser if possible. Other web browsers may cause problems.
- For a license that has one or more branch licenses, you MUST mail your portion of the LICENSE RENEWAL REPORT (which we refer to as "Your Report") with a check or money order to pay for the branch license renewal(s). We are sorry for the inconvenience of having to mail checks, and hope to resolve this inconvenience in our second phase of the project. Please address the envelope to AZDFI BRANCH RENEWALS, 100 N 15th Ave., # 261, Phoenix, AZ 85007-2630.
- Please allow up to three weeks for your license renewal(s) to be processed. Check yor license record to make sure that the licenses that you wish to continue have been renewed.
By selecting this option, applicants may apply for, maintain, or renew a license using our E-Licensing system.
NMLS is now receiving new application and transition filings for AZDFI. By selecting this option, applicants may apply for, maintain, or renew a license utilizing the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System. Note: There are additional processing fees associated with this option.