Arizona’s Auto Theft Rate Shows Decline in National Rankings for 2023

Phoenix, AZ – The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) has released its Hotspots report for calendar year 2023. This report includes auto theft totals for all U.S. states, and the District of Columbia, that allow individual states to assess their vehicle crime problem in relation to other states. Of particular interest is the rate of theft, which is determined by the number of auto thefts per 100,000 residents. A state’s theft rate adjusts for population and thus more clearly portrays how likely a state’s resident is to have their vehicle stolen. 

Of particular interest is the rate of theft, which is determined by the number of auto thefts per 100,000 residents. A state’s theft rate adjusts for population and thus more clearly portrays how likely a state’s resident is to have their vehicle stolen.

Arizona placed 19th on the list, down from 15th in 2022. Data show that Arizona has 267.76 vehicles stolen for every 100,000 residents. In the United States, there were 1,020,729 reported stolen vehicles in 2023, with urban centers and densely populated areas continuing to be hotspots for theft. 

While vehicle thefts surged in some areas of the country, including the Southwest, Arizona showed encouraging numbers. Seven out of nine states in the West or Southwest are among the top 10 states for highest theft rates. In addition to state theft rates, the Hotspots report lists cities with the highest theft rate nationally. Tucson was the top Arizona city for the rate of auto theft but ranked number 74 nationally.

“Any decline in Arizona’s theft rate is welcome news and means fewer people were victimized by auto theft,” stated James McGuffin, Assistant Director, DIFI/AATA. “Many occurrences of auto theft are preventable if drivers and owners park smart and make their vehicles a tough target for thieves.”  


To make your vehicle a tough target, the Arizona Automobile Theft Authority (AATA) recommends a “Layered Approach” to protect your vehicle. 


Layer 1: Common Sense 

  • Take your keys & fobs
  • Always lock your car 
  • Park in well-lit areas 
  • Never leave your vehicle running when unattended 
  • Remove valuables & weapons from your vehicle 


Layer 2: Visible & Audible Deterrents 

Layer 3: Vehicle Immobilizers

  • Install kill switches 
  • Utilize fuel disablers 


Layer 4: Tracking Systems 

  • There are multiple systems offered by vehicle manufacturers and aftermarket suppliers


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